Cliques and Hums

Alpaca first day 81713Alpaca first day 2 81713

It was a soggy evening. It’s been raining all summer or so it seems. We were so excited when the trailer pulled up and Raymond and Sharon Bogenshutz from Georgian Oaks Farms delivered our four new girls. Rosebud, Maya, Cocobean and Star Lily marched out of the trailer, into our barn and out into the field like they owned the place. We loved them from hello.

Our existing herd of 6 (plus 2 llamas), not so much.

Alpacas meeting 81713

“Are you looking at me?” “No, are you looking at me?”

Sharon told us it might take a month to mingle. It’s a funny site to see our “old” girls lined up in the bottom of the pasture tight against the bottom fence and the new addition firmly planted on high ground, again as close to the fence as possible. Old guard is also sticking very close to their guardian llamas and, as Big G said, “Who knew our alpacas loved the llamas so much?”

To be fair, they come together at meal time, warily and a little grouchily (is that a word?), with lots of humming that I wish I could decipher. Big G got caught in a territorial spit fest last night. In the face. Can’t we all just get along? Next month maybe.

“It’s just hard to meet new people in my position.” — Eminem